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Julea Joseph

Julea Joseph
Hello - I'm Julea


A stylish home shouldn't be out of your reach or cost you a fortune. From entertaining to decorating, home should be celebrated and your special place in this busy world. Join me on my adventures to enhance, celebrate and appreciate all things home.


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Tips & tricks for the Harried Homeowner & Hostess.

A harried homeowner is not a celebrated delight, and most likely not the prettiest sight during the holiday months. The multitude of happenings and holidays that occur from fall right through the New Year can get anyone into a tizzy. Gentle ladies; do not get your Spanx in a bind, with a bit of savvy pre-planning, simplification, and a splash of creativity - Anyone can pull off the holidays without a hitch!

Proper Holiday Décor - Decorating your home with continuity & flow...

Decorating with personal objects or what I call them "enrichments," is a way to create a home that truly reflects you. These things are an important expression of which you are - Especially inherited or treasured items. Try to hold yourself in check when out shopping, a few new decorative pieces are fine to add to your collection, but try not to buy the entire collection. Your home should have a common decorative thread. Rather than creating theme rooms, have one common theme which creates continuity and flow through out you whole home.

If your home is on the market, it is important to create a more subdued, universal look for the season. Decorate with creative constraint - keeping in mind that you’re selling square footage and the buyer’s vision of themselves in the home.

2008 Seasonal Trends ...

Shakin’ up the old stuff – Refresh and revitilize what you have, dig through past collections to create a fresh new one, a & swap out a few with something new.

· Old World Metallic – Treasure the past by infusing old with the new.

· Going Green – Nature is your guide.

· Opposites Attract -

Lime Green & Hot Pink
Purple and Yellow/Green
Orange & Turquoise

· Chocolate – Try adding a splash of chocolate to your existing décor.

Savvy pre-planning, simplification, and a splash of creativity go a long way…

1. Know your décor & entertainment style. Make sure to be comfortable in your own home, your budget and your lifestyle. Choose what works best for your home, and what is easy for you – Imaginative trumps flashy every time. No need to keep up with the “Jones’.”

2. A well Stocked Pantry. Stocking your pantry with a few essential items can make entertaining seamless.

- Crackers. Keep an assortment of crackers on hand to serve with cheese or for dipping into sauces.

- Cookie Dough. Buy either a roll or tub of cookie dough. Besides the heavenly scent they make while baking, they always appear to be “home-made.” They can be served on their own, or with a bowl of ice cream or whipped cream.

- Dried pasta. Any gathering wouldn't be complete without pasta; cook according to package directions and then toss with whatever you have on hand, like pesto sauce, veggies, seafood or chicken.

- Lemons and limes. Perk up vegetables, pasta, dips and salads with a squeeze of lemon; serve cocktails with a wedge of lemon or lime.

- Quality olive oil. Re-create the restaurant experience by letting guests dip bread into small bowls of olive oil. You can whisk olive oil with vinegar to create a quick salad dressing, or drizzle it over grilled vegetables just before serving.

- Jars of salsa, tapenade and other dips. Always have these in your pantry for an instant party snack; spread on bread or crackers, or dip chips or raw vegetables.

- Canned or Packaged Tuna. Tossed in pasta or a salad, made into a dip, or served on crackers, this staple makes for a super easy recipe.


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